Spring has sprung!

Here in North Carolina, spring flowers are popping up! It’s starting to get a tiny bit warmer in the afternoons, and a few bees are buzzing around. Don’t worry, though, bees are not interested in stinging people – they are too busy collecting pollen!

Are there any flowers blooming where you live? This is what’s blossoming here…

Daffodils and flowers on the pear tree! We also spotted some crocuses and a little bird’s nest that had fallen out of the pear tree… Don’t worry — it was empty!


Wide-Awake Bear

I am sharing another book review from Jean Matthew Hall‘s excellent website. Please tell your grown-up if you’d like to find this book in the library and take it home to read!

Another Picture Book Review by Jean Matthew Hall Pat Zietlow Miller’s Wide Awake Bear is illustrated beautifully by Jean Kim. It was published in 2018 by Harper Collins Publishers. Baby Bear Elliot and his mama snuggle in for their winter-long nap. But only a short way through the nap Elliot awakes. He’s so excited about […]

via Picture Book Review—Wide Awake Bear — Jean Matthew Hall